Farewell vermware ================= .. contents:: vermware -------- vermware is one of the major reasons behind every positive aspect of me, be it specific to programming or my personality in general. I'll be leaving vermware soon after I get some stuff done such as migrating shione somewhere else. Big thanks and love to my dear brothers verm and ximin :D shione ------ I'll hack some GitLab pages-specific CICD config some time soon maybe. As for a VPS, I'm still investigating the prices and stuff. Since I barely serve/host anything other than shione itself, I was wondering if I could have a cheap VPS with enough storage to turn it into my backup server instead of backing up on a separate host such as borgbase. Emails ------ I'm always reachable through my personal email, which might change as mentioned in :ref:`frustration-with-web-developers`, but I should note that both my verm.im and vermwa.re will likely become inactive after a while.