function(find_python_module module module_u) if(${module_u}_FOUND) return() endif() # do not override user-specified values if(NOT ${module_u}_PATH) # set the default in case nothing is found set("${module_u}_PATH" "" CACHE STRING "Path to ${module}." FORCE) # A module's location is usually a directory, but for binary modules # it's an .so file. execute_process(COMMAND "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}" "-c" "import os, re, ${module}; print(os.path.dirname(\ re.compile('/*').sub('',${module}.__file__)))" RESULT_VARIABLE "${module_u}_RESULT" OUTPUT_VARIABLE "${module_u}_OUTPUT" ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # strip module directories to get the base path # -> ... (three dots) string(REGEX REPLACE "[^\\.]+" "" module_strip "${module}") string(LENGTH "${module_strip}" module_strip) # strip ${module_strip} times the final directory from path if(module_strip GREATER 0) # CMake's loops are inclusive so start at 1 foreach(module_strip_i RANGE 1 ${module_strip}) string(REGEX REPLACE "/[^/]+$" "" "${module_u}_OUTPUT" "${${module_u}_OUTPUT}") endforeach(module_strip_i) endif() # if the exit code (RESULT) is non-zero python couldn't import module if(NOT ${module_u}_RESULT) set("${module_u}_PATH" "${${module_u}_OUTPUT}" CACHE STRING "Path to ${module}." FORCE) endif() endif() if(NOT ${module_u}_PATH) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find ${module}.") endif() set(${module_u}_FOUND ON CACHE BOOL "Found ${module}.") mark_as_advanced(${module_u}_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found ${module}: ${${module_u}_PATH}") endfunction(find_python_module)